Please Rarity, it'll be fun.BlackGryph0n on DeviantArt

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BlackGryph0n's avatar

Please Rarity, it'll be fun.



Twilight: "Come on Rarity, how do you know you won't like it until you give it a try?"
Rarity: "Oh please Twilight! I am not about to engage in such utterly vulgar an activity. besides, did you see Fluttershy's mane after she went?"
Fluttershy: "I loved it!"
Rainbow Dash: "I... I didn't... :puke: "
Pinkie Pie: "OOOOH! You know what would be great?! Pickles dipped in CHOCOLATE!!!! :woohoo: "


I really wanted to do a roller-coaster picture with the ponies. (Because I love roller-coasters.) I had a great conversation with :iconfairy-slayer: over the matter! We discussed how funny it would be if Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had gone, and Dash had been just as afraid as Rarity is in this picture! For some reason, the idea of Rainbow Dash being scared and Fluttershy enjoying it seemed ironic, but it makes perfect sense! As Fairy-Slayer pointed out, Rainbow Dash wouldn't like the idea of not being in control. So she would probably not enjoy roller-coasters very much! Just a funny thought... I love watching imaginary episodes in my head! :giggle: Speaking of which, Has anypony seen "A Bird in the Hoof" yet?! :confused: Here it is if you have not! [link] :la:

Hmmm, let's see... I've drawn Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight, and Rarity... Who's left?... :confused:

Watchers: As you have probably guessed by now, I am a lost cause. My head is swimming with ponies... Don't worry though, I will upload more photography soon! :D

Character Design © :iconfyre-flye:
My Little Pony © HASBRO
Image size
5641x3644px 3.49 MB
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MJKalasky's avatar
It's wooden.  Isn't that kind of dangerous?