Daughter of Smoke and BoneBlackBirdInk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/blackbirdink/art/Daughter-of-Smoke-and-Bone-634299109BlackBirdInk

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Daughter of Smoke and Bone



This is my heartfelt recommendation of this book and the entire trilogy.
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

I could not get out to the computer fixing shop today. Had to put it off till tomorrow, so while we wait, I finished the poster.
My version of Prague has to be shifted a bit to fit the picture.

Question: would anyone like this to be a print? and if yes, should I make it available through DA or Society6?
Image size
2480x3508px 5.31 MB
© 2016 - 2025 BlackBirdInk
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ShadowinRed's avatar
I really like how Brimstone is staring/watching down on them. 
And that stern look Akiva has!