The Last Bullet...BirdGVee on DeviantArt

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BirdGVee's avatar

The Last Bullet...



...always hits


been some time since I drew something ...

This picture just flashed into my mind when I thought about how it'd be like if Rango and Rattlesnake Jake actually had a down-to-death-battle.

So basically, Jake ran out of bullets, so he bit Rango. And while dying, Rango points his gun with the last bullet at his opponent.

Heh... yeah
He also got kinda...shot .... Dunno, I drew that, then I thought how awkward it would have been if Jake bit him in the belly yeah... he actually bit him in the shoulder. :dummy: you can see that.


Material: (Pencil, Eraser,) black ink, water colours - and this time afterwards edited in Photshop. I normally don't do that...but this time I thought I'd give it a try.


Song I was listening to through the whole process:
"Alice's Theme" by Danny Elfmann (from the Movie Alice in Wonderland (with Johnny Depp... who also is the voice of Rango :la:)
- with headphones.

V: That... explains ... Alot actually. o.o

yes... it's a very... dramatic soundtrack

:onfire: :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: Please comment!!!! :) :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: :onfire:

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ADFTlove's avatar
cool I love jake he iw so cool