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Sati vs Vanessa Round 1



I'm a bit rusty due to weeks of not drawing, but here's a drawing of Sati versus Vanessa.

Vanessa attempts to ambush the Thief of Hearts, but Sati displays an inhuman flexibility as she takes Vanessa down mid-air with a backwards kick that spits on the laws of human anatomy!

First round to Sati!

29th JAN UPDATE: It's the battle of the brown! Fur vs Follicles! 

Vote HERE:…
and determine who will win this duel between these OC femme fatales! :D

DEADLINE: 1st of MARCH 2019

Sati created by :iconbinkibonsai: (ME!)
Vanessa created by :iconroadkill-sarny:
Image size
3432x3344px 390.39 KB
© 2019 - 2024 binkibonsai
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Donnersberg's avatar
nobodies face is safe for Satis deadly feet