Hi. I'm Bill. I'm one of the certain subset of people who listens to rock music, wears blue jeans and enjoys eating hot dogs. You know the type. I grew up in New York and currently live in Los Angeles with my girlfriend, my cat and a tarantula named Winifred Burkle. I attended F.I.T. in Manhattan for illustration and graduated from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in...well, Pittsburgh. I was a graphic designer for a period of time before working at the Intrepid Museum in New York as their art director for quite awhile. I am responsible for the Transformers Ark(s) and AllSpark Almanac(s) books as well as the G.I. Joe Field Manuals.
Current Residence: Los Angeles Favourite genre of music: Rock Favourite style of art: Illustration Personal Quote: "JACKASS!"
If you have any questions about my artwork, my books, Transformers or anything silly, stupid or dumb ask me by clicking this here link to formspring:
Howdy there, friend! We're here today to wish you a happy birthday! I'm so excited to do this! Rarity told me how fun it can be! Dash said how important it is for us to greet our friends in the other world! It's an honour! Focus, girls, remember how we practiced it... inhale We wish you all the best on this occasion! May you have lots of happy times and good things come your way! And we wish you'll be able to do your best for yourself too! And, and... And stay in good health and high spirits all the time! And believe in yourself and who you are! An' also we wish you great friendship and to have your nearest an' dearest with you to share in the good and deal with anything bad together! So on behalf of all Equestria we wish you... Happy Birthday! We did it, girls. Now let's all celebrate! Cue the music, Scoots!