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Bikerbloke's avatar




Update for Monday 22nd July.

Kind of on topic this drawing because next week my wife and I will be at Bushmoot. 2 weeks at a bushcraft event in the woods of South wales near Bridgend. Search videos of Bushmoot on Youtube if you're interesting in seeing what goes on there.

From Wednesday I shall be posting consecutive pages of Office Frenzy, featuring Kate, a middle manager minus her skirt and now without her knickers. My plan was to do just one mahoosive posting, but as  :iconjkrolak: kindly pointed out, DA has a set up to schedule an upload in advance. So my plan is to preset 13 consecutive pages to appear from Wednesday this week with others appearing on Friday Monday and Weds and so on until we get back. Thanks for the votes in that Poll. I am so going to have to draw a fluffy kitten as well. :icondaleksupreme: even started a campaign in support of the fluffy little kitten option. Thankfully that option rolled in a respectable 2nd place. (phew!!)

Here's Bushcraft Betty wondering what you were looking at instead of Nessie. :D

See you when I get back. I am soooo looking forward to this



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850x1168px 169.93 KB
© 2019 - 2024 Bikerbloke
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Federation-AI-001's avatar

LOL!  Good one!  Nice work.  😋