About the recent paid membership drive

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bigbrotherlawndale's avatar
Look, I understand that money makes the website go round. I totally get that. But the recent 'hey you want this' spam that filled half the freaking page in that butt-ugly orange, well, it was so bad that I was about to start casting about for a new image host. As in I was actually attempting to do that when I hit the wrong button and ended up on DA by accident and found that ugly spam drive was over.

So I'll be continuing Big Brother Lawndale here. But I think that I'll be casting about for something else anyway once BBL is done.

I have a whole heap of graphic novel style fanfics pounding away in my brain at the moment and orange hell is one drama I don't want to deal with. The tiny 'become core' banner on the top of the page is bad enough, in the glaring, mismatched colour scheme, but the risk of having to deal with that banner promotion that takes up half the freaking page every few months for the next few years? That's torture right there.

I love the custome service here. I love the way the site is set-up. I REALLY don't like constant orange harassment. So there we have it. If the ads were a different colour, I'd be okay with it, but orange can go to hell.

FYI - the biggest reason I don't become core is I'm afraid I'll have that fugly orange all over my page instead of a tiny banner ad up the top.

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