Current Residence: Pattaya (thailand) Favourite genre of music: anything Operating System: xp - Alienwear Wallpaper of choice: art Personal Quote: once u boon u dont go back...
Favourite Visual Artist
hiroaki SAMURA. Agustav KlLIMT,alphon MUCHA, Egon Schiele
Favourite Movies
boondock saints,jay and silent bob strikes back, starshiptroupers,mean gi
Tools of the Trade
ketchup,mayo,bra, a piece of led, 2 chickens, janet jackson, a popsicle, and monkey nipps
Other Interests
chillin under a tree on a fine day eating my fav. ice-cream
well....ive been gone for a really long time :P. ive been livin in thailand for almost a year now. so much has happened- new experiences, new freinds,new arts(kinda ;P), and new mefor those of u that have stuck with me till now, thankyou :) i hope i will not Dissopoint any of u in the near future. i am moving back to america in a week, to san francisco. i might be goin back to school and sharpen my skillz :P or get a real job. ive been driftin like the wind. it has to stop :strong:i have found what i have lostBOON
i know its been out in america for a while now but GODDAMN!!!! that movie is great!reasons to see curse of the golden flower:1)u will never seen so many pair of boobies bouncing in a movie, like thousands! and im not exaturating2)the action was so amazing! the fight was fuckin EPIC! :strong:3) the design and concept of the outfits, the setting god every thing was eyecandy.4) CAUSE I SAID SO!!! duh ;P
Hello ladies and gents. i am back! well... kinda :P um... i got a new hair cut. ive been gone for like months. i have a little inner crisis, so i just stop doing art but dont worry i think its coming back. oh in thailand and its preety sweet, lots of hookers and drugs.just kidding ;Pgood day