Look at Me - Go Penguinsbicyclegasoline on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bicyclegasoline/art/Look-at-Me-Go-Penguins-141979974bicyclegasoline

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Look at Me - Go Penguins



I have now finished painting George, and he will be going on display at the Lady Lever Art Gallery in Wirral [link] during November. It is part of a project called Go Penguins [link] in and around Liverpool over Christmas. You can see George from start to finish at my artblog: [link] And hopefully keep up to date as to what happens to him after his Lady Lever visit ends in January!

EDIT: George is now on permanent display in the Education Suite at the Lady Lever Art Gallery, next to the gift shop. Do pop in and say hi! If you can't find him, the staff will be more than willing to point you in his direction :)

Edited from my art blog:
Recently, I've doing something slightly unusual to help raise awareness of ME and invisible disabilities in general.

Some of you may know that 2008 was Liverpool's Capital of Culture, and this was marked by all sorts of events taking place in the city all year. One such even was Go Superlambananas, which involved mini Superlambananas being decorated and posted round the city. I sadly wasn't well enough to be involved in this due to glandular fever. To follow on from this highly successful event, this winter Liverpool (and the surrounding area) is being taken over by Penguins, creating a Winter Wonderland, under the initiative Go Penguins, created by Wild in Art. Check out: www.gopenguins.co.uk

Artists and the community were given the opportunity to submit designs, with the hope of being chosen to create the design on a penguin. I, of course, jumped at this opportunity, and I knew straight away I wanted to make a statement about ME. All ME sufferers have been thru the battles of not being believed because "you don't look sick", and they all know that infamous phrase, "you look well today!" Well I wanted to challenge these perceptions, and make people realise that you really can't judge by appearances - you never know what is going on underneath the surface.

My problem was, I wanted to make this penguin look "normal", but I needed it to stand out as having ME too! Obviously, the ironic issue for me here was that ME is invisible, and therefore there was no obvious solution. So what did I come up with? The penguin looks normal - black and white, beak and wings. There are no differences. There is just one very thought provoking question wrapped round the penguin, "Do I look like I have an invisible disability?"

I submitted my design, and was fortunate enough to have mine chosen, sponsored by the Lady Lever Art Gallery on the Wirral! This is thrilling for me, that my local art gallery has chosen to display my art work! www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/ladyLever/

But it wasn't until me and my Dad arrived at the warehouse to collect the penguin did I realise the scale of the task I had taken on. This penguin was nearly as tall as me, at 1.5m high, and we nearly had to take the doors off to fit it in our house (don't look too closely at out paintwork anymore!) at 75cm wide...

I had 3 weeks to paint my design onto it, varnish it, and get it back to the organisers. It's been tough going, working it round trying to manage my ME, and completing it on a tight time scale. But it shows that ME sufferers are not lazy, and we want to make people realise this is a serious illness.

I have taken regular rest breaks, and worked painting the penguin round my best times of day (mid afternoon and middle of the night!), grr at ME! But he is now finished, and I will be taking a good couple of weeks of pure rest!
Image size
5677x3072px 9.29 MB
Shutter Speed
10/2500 second
Focal Length
8 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 29, 2009, 12:26:51 PM
© 2009 - 2025 bicyclegasoline
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Arinen's avatar
Brilliant, in all aspects :D