Follybhippy on DeviantArt

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bhippy's avatar




Folly means: engaging in a foolhardy activity, doing something stupid, destined for doom.
So why would anyone build a fully populated space station in an asteroid field?
For the same reason someone built a nuclear power station near a populated city in a renowned earthquake zone. What that reason is… I’ll leave for you to decide.

Don’t get me wrong. I feel sorry for the Japanese people. They’ve been hoodwinked into believing a nuclear power station on their doorstep was a safe thing. What I’m saying, I’m saying to everyone.
When you build a, potentially, dangerous structure in a, potentially, unstable area – Don’t build it near people and do have a contingency plan for WHEN it go tits up.
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Bensuzi80's avatar
Excuse me,. I Was curious if I could use this image for a station on a wiki I am on. This is just what I'm looking for and I would be grateful.