I want any ideas you guys can think of for tattoos. Nothing inappropriate please, or anything super gory.
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
PK Region- Fake Ability Ideas- All types welcome
I need fake ability ideas, any and all types and even some that might work for legendaries.Any and all suggestions are welcome.So does anyone have any ideas?
PK Region- City and Town Names- Theme Help
I need ideas for the city and town names, the other regions have the city and town names having themes.I already have Star Names chosen incase my friend and I go that route.The other theme that I need soke help with is Movie Directors and ActorsI already have
Spielberg (Steven Spielberg, is going to be used no matter what)
Cameron (James Cameron, I loved Avatar)I also have
Banderas- Antonio Banderas
Pacino- Al Pacino
Tarantino- Quentin Tarantino
Kubrick- Stanley Kubrick
De Niro- Robert De Niro
Fassbender- Michael Fassbender
Hemsworth- Chris and Liam Hemsworth
Bogart- Humphrey Bogart (I own a copy of Casablanca)I would put Renner as Jeremy ...
Gen 7 In Game Team Based Around Drampa
I want to use Drampa on a Gen 7 In Game team but I'm not sure on what other Pokemon to use on the team that aren't Dragon or Normal type. I know I need something to handle fairy types and something for fighting types.Which means either a Poison or Steel type or a Pokemon that can learn Poison and Steel type moves.So does anyone have any good ideas and advice?
Song Ideas for a character. Will be big help to me
I need ideas for themesongs for a character. This character has trust issues (cause of something when she was a kid), they have had a rough sort of life, has done bad things (steal, kill but not without a purpose). Pushes people who have not gained their trust away. But when you gain this persons trust then they will treat you like family.
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get one of those cool ones like steampunk or maybe a lowrider or maybe an alien queen like this www.deviantart.com/whats-hot/?… or these