Batman Pixelcraft! (Pixelart + Papercraft)BezerroBizarro on DeviantArt

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BezerroBizarro's avatar

Batman Pixelcraft! (Pixelart + Papercraft)



You can print and build your own Batman papertoy! :)

Basic tips:
1 - Print it as large as possible. Don´t use any kind of interpolation of filter when scaling the drawing.
2 - Use hard paper. Anything thicker than ordinary bond paper will do.
3 - Fold each arm and glue both blank faces to each other. Do the same with the cape.
4 - Use a blade on the white lines in both sides of the body, to open slits to fit the arms.
5 - Glue the inner face of the cape to the tab that is in the back of the doll. (the inner face is colored all dark blue)
I´ve originaly made it to myself, so it lacks detailed instructions. It´s Batman Day, so I decided to share it with you. ^__^
If you have doubts before building it, just ask me via note or comment. 
Hope you like it!
And happy Batman Day!

*Edited: I´ve just uploaded an already scaled up drawing, so it will be easier to print in a good size. It´s 2210x2000 pixels.
Image size
2210x2000px 23.94 KB
© 2016 - 2025 BezerroBizarro
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lemonpandachan's avatar
This is great! I didn't even know there was a Batman's Day, lol. Batman Approved