Yaoi StampBextron5000 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bextron5000/art/Yaoi-Stamp-103717696Bextron5000

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Yaoi Stamp



I totally understand that some people don't like yaoi, and they are entitled to their opinion. However, I think that it's rude for them to flame the people who do. The art here on dA is free to look at or not to look at, if you don't like yaoi then just ignore it. Sure, you can't control what pops up when you search for something on dA, but you CAN control whether or not you click on the picture and make a mean comment that the artist doesn't deserve. You have the right to your opinion, but hating on the subject matter of someone's picture is not constructive criticism, you're just doing it to be mean and you know it. You're just wasting your time and the artist's time by going out of your way to try to hurt their feelings. Get a life.

It only takes half a second to glance at a thumbnail on the search results page, realize that you're not going to like the picture, and move on without clicking on it.

For example, I'm absolutely offended by the out-of-focus, grainy, crappy quality pictures of nude women that pop up on the front page every time I log on. There is a thin line between artistic nudity and pornography and many of the things I see every day on dA do not make the cut. But do I go out of my way to leave a comment on each and every single one of those pictures about how offended I am? No, because I have a life. And I understand that not everyone shares my opinion. So I move on and look for something else that I actually WILL like.

At this point, I think I've made a pretty solid "live and let live" argument. So don't get angry if I completely ignore your "but yaoi is everywhere!" comments because you clearly did not read anything in my description about this stamp and, thus, obviously don't care about anyone's opinion besides your own. Because you aren't even going to try to hear me out and understand where I'm coming from, I am going to pay absolutely no attention to your negative comments, as they are made out of ignorance to anyone else's opinions. Of course, I'm preaching to the choir right now because anyone who's reading this most certainly does not fall into the category of commenters that I am complaining about. :P
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