Terms of Use

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BettySchmidt's avatar
Book Cover Art:

I am going to show my book cover art here. It is either for already existing books or premade designs. If you want to purchase a premade book cover for your own book, contact me about it through e-mail: design@bettyschmidt.de 


You may use some of my manips to make fanart, like for example icons, banner, wallpaper, as long as you don't earn any money with them. I will add under each manip, if you may use it. If I forget to add it, please ask first.
Don't share your art (which is based on mine) without crediting me (my deviantart or www.charmingworld.de) and the source of the images I used. The source is always listed under the manips. Have fun creating. If you have time, I'd love to see what you made. :-)

Banner, Icons, Wallpaper & similar art:

Feel free to use them wherever you want in a personal manner. Credit me (my deviantart or www.charmingworld.de) and the source of the images I used. The source is always listed under the graphics. If you aren't sure if you may use my art for something specific, please ask. Don't edit my art without my permission.

Stock photos:

- All stock images in my "free stock" folder are free to be downloaded and used by anyone. There are no rules or requirements. You can use them in any designs you like, personal and commercial. Have fun creating! ;-)
- A fave would be nice and a link back to my deviantart (for example from your credit page) appreciated, but it's not a must.
- Just don't claim an image as your own or sell it "as is" (without any changes). It is meant to be free!

What you can and shouldn't do in general:

- If you like my art, a fave would be really nice. I love comments, too. They make me happy and keep me inspired. :-)
- Do NOT edit my art unless I give you permission. Don't just take my Cover Art, edit it and use it for your books or something else. That would be stealing.
- Always check what I write under a graphic. I might give you permission to use it for private or even commercial uses there.
- Do NOT hotlink my art.
- Don't claim my graphics & stock as your own.

© 2014 - 2025 BettySchmidt
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