BettyKwong on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

BettyKwong's avatar

Many Expressions of Link edit



My Tumblr: [link]


Editx2 (Feb 1st, 2009): I changed it to the "newer" version. I drew it in the summer of 2007. The older version can be found here: [link]
If you bought something similar to this at Anime Evolution.. XD It's not this one. I made a newer version for the convention.

Sorry for uploading so much ;_; I was REALLY bored today and had nothing to do x_x I wanted to change my site's avatar Link expression sheet because my old one did not have watermarks on them and people kept using them without giving credit. ... So I drew new avatars that have my site on it ^^; Originally I wanted to make around 10 expressions but.. I had nothing better to do and drew more XD;;

Note: I had a number of people ask me if they can use this as their LJ Icons, fanmade game and forums. You may use them. Just DO NOT claim them as yours :P (or make money out of it)

-Adobe Photoshop CS
-2 hrs

Yeah.. my site is down.. :< I'm planning to change my domain name soon...
Image size
600x777px 542.24 KB
© 2005 - 2024 BettyKwong
carolila's avatar

Wooooooooooooow !
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