ElfenBettyElgyn on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bettyelgyn/art/Elfen-137560772BettyElgyn

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BettyElgyn's avatar




Very far in ancient wood...
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© 2009 - 2025 BettyElgyn
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ivoryneedle's avatar
I'm starting an online store for cross stitching supplies and patterns.  I would like to use some of your images and convert them into patterns.  If you are interested credit for the image will be given to you and you will receive compensation for each pattern of yours sold.   Would this interest you?

My website is currently being developed but I can tell you a bit about it.   My company is incorporated as The Ivory Needle Inc. and I have attached my logo for your reference.  I will be selling cross stitching patterns and cross stitching supplies and will be the first Canadian based website of its nature.  The others are mostly in either US or European sites.  

I want the patterns I sell to be unique and from artists of the world.  Your artwork is perfect for the audience.  

I plan to use software to convert your images into cross stitching patterns to retail at approximately $15CAD.  The pattern cover page will have your artwork and name along with my logo.  I would be happy to discuss with you what your expectations are for a commission from each sale.  

You can see my current audience from a my Instagram and some of the projects I am personally working on at ivoryneedle.  I’m currently running a cross stitching challenge that people are participating in both on Instagram under #ivoryneedlechallenge and on a Facebook group called Ivory Needle Cross Stitch Challenge.  

I look forward to hearing from you.

Owner / President of Ivory Needle
416-939-5563 (Ontario Canada)