.: Read the comments :. StampBeti-Kot on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/beti-kot/art/Read-the-comments-Stamp-90906122Beti-Kot

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Beti-Kot's avatar

.: Read the comments :. Stamp



:bulletred:[ HOW TO USE? ]:bulletred:

You can use the Thumb (:thumb90906122:) in your custom box, ID or journal etc.
Or you can use the plz acount by typing :iconreadcplz1::iconreadcplz2::iconreadcplz3: 

_____________Edit: 25/8/2019

Comments are disabled. Why? Because I made this in 2008
. Don't expect me to be here forever.  :shifty:   XD
A bit ironic... I know. But I have way too much to do.  Sweating a little... 

__________My comments

Ok.. what can I say? xD ..."read the comments"?... xD lol
I just made this stamp cause I always read all my comments!! Even if I don't respond I read them all!! =D So comment! Comment! Comment! =D

~Feel free to use it :heart: ^^

______________Edit: 30/6/2009

OMG!! Thank you everyone for all awesome favs and comments!!
:iconflowerdanceplz: :iconflowerdanceplz: :iconflowerdanceplz:

_____________Edit: 5/6/2010

I edited my stamp a bit XD I added some animation and corrected the font to make it easier to read :meow: I hope you like how it looks now :meow:

___________PLZ Accounts

I made this too x3 :iconreadcplz1::iconreadcplz2::iconreadcplz3:
I know so it's not a stamp but you can use it too if you want xD

_________About the stamp

Total time taken: 5m? xD
Stuff used: Photoshop CS2
Layers: 8
Style: ---

____Credits and Copyrights

Stamp © Beti-Kot (me) =P
Icons from the deviatART emoticons list :devart:
Image size
99x56px 5.31 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Beti-Kot
BigMaleforFan's avatar
wow , imagine my relief , when i post a comment that the artist doesn't bother respond to , s/he has definitely read it , what an honor !!!
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