So, this is the story of how did I spend [6248] minutes on project Spectral.Mr. Tea, please check my calculations, and if I left something out.From the begining to the last submission:scaffold tiles ~1h
mobile scaffolds ~1h
pole ~30min
sidewalk tree base ~30min
trash bin ~1 h
crane ~2h
truck ~3h
mobile crane ~2h 30min
train ~3h 30min
phone booth ~1h
tree ~ 30 min
gas pumper ~40min
boilers ~30min
big boiler ~1h
vault door ~25m
building ~2h
Vending machine 52m
Playground 2h 36m
Japanese trees 1h 1m
Mobile office, const. site barracks 41m
Toolbox 8m
Roadblock 8m
Warn sign 12m
Locker (28m) (I think i got distracted here a bit, a friend called ...