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#15 Artist of the week - :iconteddyie:

I chose Teddyie for Artist of the Week, because she's one of my favourite drawer on DA. She's got big talent, high skills, awesome taste and ideas. In her gallery are beautiful movies arts! Her real nam is Andrea J., she's 24 year old, and she lives in Hamburg (Germany). That's so awesome! I believe that you'll fall in love in her drawings. She should be more popular!
Check her out and write down what you think!

My favourite arts:

puss in boots by Teddyie mystique by Teddyie mathilda and leon by Teddyie two and a half men by Teddyie
twilight prom scene by Teddyie kill bill final scene by Teddyie SAW final scene by Teddyie It's gonna be legen...wait for it... by Teddyie perfect white swan by Teddyie learning to be one of them... by Teddyie

Congratulations, to become 15th Artist of the Week, my Dear!
Stay focus because you can be next!

BTW Number of artist is random, it's not from the best to worst and vice versa.


WARNING! I want to share with you some amazing news! We've got wonderful friends! Check out our Affiliates, because most of these groups are awesome! You can read about us in two Journals on two groups: Xena-WarriorPrincess and MiddleEarthLovers They are my favourite groups! You know that I love Middle-Earth movies, and of course Xena, but there Admins and Members are special. Thank you guys, you know that I love you!
THANK YOU, Xenacon 2015: 20th Anniversary.A huge THANK YOU goes out to the ever wonderful :icontransparentghost: who has generously donated +100 points to help us keep the warrior spirit alive through the amazing community that is 'you guys,' so we can spice the place up a bit with a shiny new interface and some totally awesome challenges!
Our goal is to reach 4,796 points; if you'd like to help support the group, donations are being accepted at :icondownunderstudios: any points that exceed the goal will be used as prizes for our upcoming challenges.
:iconAMKingdom: has kindly featured Xena as their #2 'Movie of the Week' for the :iconbestmovies: group. Lots of amazing art pieces to feast your eyes upon; perhaps you see yours? I encourage you all to go and take a peek at the wonderful eye candy that's available!
Jacqueline Kim just added to the list of guests. She will also be appearing in Saturday's evening cabaret, and she has a
Newsletter SPECIAL EDITION -Mid October-Greetings, Middle Earth Lovers; because we SHARE the passion!
We have many reasons to celebrate and here is some of them...
Bullet; Purple SUPER GROUP - Thanks to our co founder :icondreamscreations:  we now enjoy the privileges of a super group. Therefore, we could add a Countdown to BOFA, as part of the privileges. Share in with us the excitement of that long wait until we finally see the defining chapter. 
Bullet; Purple We have 204 members!!! - We made it up to that number of fans that share in the Middle Earth Passion!! And to show our enthusiasm of belonging to this group, let's award llamas to the group. How do we do that? We have provided the link to make it easier: 
run llamas runClick here to give us a llama

:iconxena-warriorprincess:             :iconmiddleearthlovers:

WARNING II! Don't forget about our #1 Riddle in the Dark! Isn't it good idea? Don't you like it? Please, comment! And take part in this!

Have a nice day,
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PracticalFX's avatar
Awe, thank you Hun; we appreciate you too. :heart: