Rixixi and Ketucari are once again hosting their neat collab event, the Veluchasm Festival. It ends on the 31st, so I'd check it out quick if you're curious at all.
I'm a returning member looking to do a near-complete clear-out of my 'mons. My former account was Snailemail, so the reffed pokemon will be on that account. I'll look at nearly any offer as long as it isn't stupid low [like 50 caps for a 4 trait] but here's a list for reference. I'm not super picky either- I'm looking to get rid of all my old 'mons for a fresh start in a new year.
Move-learning and Leveling Pieces
Non-CC Art
'mons [Prefer undesigned]
Items in general
Caps and Stardust
42439 - Murkrow - F - Ref
42596 - Deino - F - Ref
43687 - Thundurus - ?
43795 - Mega Aerodactyl - ?
19394 - Rowlet/Combee - F - Mixed
26627 - Maractus - F - Shiny - Ref
36217 - Cacnea - F - Variant - Ref
36639 - Mega Sceptile - M - Variant
40969 - Lilligant - ? - Shiny
42441 - Honedge - F - Blend (Fighting/Ghost+)
42775 - Eevee - F - Blend (Fire) - Clutch
43354 - Lileep/Venipede - M - Mixed
43527 - Poochyena - F - Variant - Clutch (ON HOLD)
43537 - Rhyhorn/Appletun - M - Mixed
43688 - Slugma - ? - Blend (Bug/Normal)
43689 - Trapinch - ? - Variant
43745 - Regirock - F - Blend (Grass)
43798 - WishiWashi - ? - Variant
19327 - Phantump - F - Shiny, Variant
35578 - Ducklett/Deerling - F - Mixed, Blend (???)
43017 - Mimikyu - M - Shiny, Variant - Ref
42440 - Ledyba/Morelull/Gliscor - M - Shiny, Variant, Mixed, Blend (Psychic)
YOU SHOULD JOIN @Ketucari OR @Rixixi
They are having a collab event (that ends very very soon) but both groups are worth looking into besides that event! [Being very new into these groups myself] In Rixixi you can make the most HORRENDOUS beastes while in Ketucari there's a whole lotta stuff you can make. Join either if you enjoy creatures!