Morning of Love and Life
Morning of life, awaken all the colors
from all the nights. Awaken my mind.
Open my eyes, ears and lips.
Turn my heart to You, God.
You are present in the vastness of the universe
and in the smallest of your creatures.
You embrace everything that exists with Your tenderness.
You pour Your love into me,
so that I guard life and beauty.
Morning of love, source of life,
born of God, create me anew.
Open Your hands to my neighbor
and to the stranger, whoever he may be.
Flood me with peace,
help me not to harm anyone.
Help me to save the abandoned and forgotten of this earth,
who are so precious in Your eyes.
Breath of the Creator, rhythm of love.
Taking and giving come from you -
both in one. You are the whole.
Breath of love, live in me!
Teach me to discover the value of all things
and to look at them with admiration;
to recognize that I am deeply connected
with all creatures
on my way to Your infinite light.
You are love, fullness of life,