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You're a Wizard, Sunburst



...I guess this probably would have been more relevant like a week ago.  Still, better late than never I guess :B

First time I saw Sunburst in the S6 premiere, I was like man this stallion is Harry Potter AF.  Sure he's an orange pony with the gruff goatee that happens to be the rage practically everywhere I go now, but just add a scar on his forehead and blammo.  Look at him chillaxin' with Starlight here, don't they just look like the best of awkward wizard BFFs.

Having watched a few of the HP movies and diggin' those too, this one was done in the style of the cover for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, where Harry is reaching out to catch a Golden Snitch...only it's a mini Princess McFlurry who was WAY too fun to draw and cracks me up more than she should here.  I tried to lay it out to match the cover and include as many refs as possible to the ep itself and the HP cover layout, so the crossover would be pretty clear.

Sometimes I can't tell if my pics are genuinely funny or if my sense of humor is just that weird.  Anyhoo, enjoy this wacky pic mah peeps.
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Godzilla278's avatar
Who is the bad guy for starlight glimmer ?