History Robot ChipReaderBergie81 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bergie81/art/History-Robot-ChipReader-118760282Bergie81

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History Robot ChipReader



History of the ChipReader Robot

Here I wanna give you an overview of the workflow that resulted in the “Robot ChipReader” (frame H).

After modeling the robot and the background in Cinema4D [A - Wireframe Mode, B - Shaded Mode] I exported the project to Maxwell Render (a great external rendering engine – the inbuilt render engine of Cinema4D is not really famous for mind-blowing results).

By this rendering program I applied designed/downloaded materials and light sources to the scene [C - Toon Shaded – unfortunately it doesn’t show a good preview of the materials] and defined the camera position and its focus (depth of field).
After starting the rendering it saved a frame with the depth information [D - called “z-Buffer”: the bigger the distance of an object to the camera the darker it will appear] to play around with the camera focus even after rendering.
Also a frame for the objects was outputted [E - object-ID]. It helps masking the different objects in the picture to change the attributes of the materials (color, reflectivity,… ) afterwards.

While and after rendering it is possible to change to the intensities of the used light sources [F – final picture; G – another light setting of the same frame]. You can also create a light animation by switching on and off the emitters on a timeline. Every resulting frame is saved and can be composed to an animation (I used this feature for another robot scene a few weeks ago: [link] have an external look!).

Ok, I hope you enjoyed this summary of my workflow.
Don’t be shy to ask me. SEE YOU!
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1578x1804px 1.41 MB
© 2009 - 2025 Bergie81
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