Confuciusornis duibensen-daniel on DeviantArt

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bensen-daniel's avatar

Confuciusornis dui



The last of a series of paintings I did of Mesozoic birds displayed as if they were dead and stuffed (19th century naturalist style). I had fun with the series---maybe I'll try it again when I get my canvas and paints and scanner and whatnot to my new home. Anyway, this one is my favorite of the series, as well as the last. Confuciusornis dui, with a cute little upturned beak tip that makes this species so much more attractive than boring old Confuciusornis sanctus. I've been out of touch for a while, though, have all the C. species been merged or what?

Daniel Bensen
Image size
878x910px 235.25 KB
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babbletrish's avatar
Beautiful! Yes, I'd love to see you continue this series.