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BenHeine's avatar

When Water Meets Color



A picture I took from a small bridge in Venice, Italy.

The above photo has been shot with the Samsung NX10,
provided by Samsung Electronics. Co., Ltd.

For more information about my works:


Gondolier by BenHeine

Some other photos with "vanishing points":

Goodbye Troubles by BenHeine Two Seasons by BenHeine

Brussels by Night by BenHeine Travelling Through Time by BenHeine

My Soul's Door by BenHeine

When Water Meets Color

A poem by Peter S. Quinn

Our dreams are in between
All our touch and feeling
Nothing ever ever seem
From your heart there stealing
All you give must be of you
Every word and meaning
Let it come and be so true
Not just only there seeming

Much goes the other way
Without nothing too close
Each day a complicated day
As life together goes
You may have meanings and need
But nothing's there forever
This at least's how I life read
It isn't about being clever

Our dreams are what have been
Still around there wheeling
Some is dark in its light beam
Complex with its feeling
All you give must come and be
Both inside and from outside
Let your heartbeat now be free
With your love in truth abide
Image size
900x626px 655.94 KB
© 2011 - 2024 BenHeine
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jennystokes's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

I love this artists work.
In this photo he has managed to understand the Venice we all know and love.
When I was there, a long time ago, I too noticed that the reflection on the water was the most magnificent art of Venice.
Ben Heine has capture this in an extremely lucid way.
You cannot but be impressed wit this 'photo.
Venice is different ideas to ALL artists.............this is one of the best I have seen.
He has taken a photo of just one of the numerous back canals and made it his own VENICE.
I am in awe.