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Santorini - Double Landscape



"The horizon is the same for every bird".

Two different views from Santorini, Greece.
I took these photos very early in the morning.

If you wish, you can see how it looks "inverted" here.

Next Double Landscape: London (coming soon).

(The above photo has been shot with the Samsung NX10)

For more information about my artwork:

Barcelona - Double Landscape:

Barcelona - Double Landscape by BenHeine

Some other photos from Greece:

Fira By Night by BenHeine The Sea is my Home by BenHeine

Blue Dimension by BenHeine Wake Up by BenHeine

Pencil Vs Camera - 41 by BenHeine

Early In the Morning

A poem by Peter S. Quinn

Early In the morning
When the breeze is still
And your heart is in a yearning
Of old dreams to fulfill
When the night is going
Into a whispering go
As the cloudlets are glowing
From new sunshine flow

I think of you when birds fly
Over the daybreak’s town
In the early morning high
When sun’s in dawn‘s crown
Thru mystic of open ways
And night in dancing daybreak
With shadows going grays
As the city comes awake

Dreams are always to try out
Within their ways and mind
That is what it’s all about
And more into it to find
When the day is onto dark
Before tomorrow is awake
And the far afield stars spark
Into their fantasies make

Let your dream all come true
They are all from inside
With their ways coming thru
As hours turn and glide
When the day is in coming
Flowing glow and bright
Night dream‘s blossoming
In their star away flight
Thru mystic of open ways
And night in dancing daybreak
With shadows going grays
As the city comes awake
Image size
800x925px 764.78 KB
© 2012 - 2024 BenHeine
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SignalLoss's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

I have given you 4 and a halves because I have seen many things like this before, but I have given you the highest that I wish to bestow upon you because I feel that I haven't seen one done like this before as well. It's a concept that can be recycled many times, but it's the atmosphere you have put it in that has made all the difference. If I may add one detail to that image, it would be just a little darker considering that the landscape is near the sun and is shadowing over the landscape, but other than that it's a common concept, beautifully executed, and I apologize in advance if you take this the wrong way.