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Pencil Vs Camera - 64



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Eat, sleep, work... no way. No more routine! Escape the madness, escape the system.
The character is a mix of James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, Tintin and King Kong, lol!!!
I took this photo recently in Barcelona subway. I also made the illustration in colors.

If you wish, you can view the sketch in progress here.

This is part of "Pencil Vs Camera Beta Version" (colored sketches on black paper).

View the the full Pencil Vs Camera album

>>> Review from THE DAILY MAIL for this picture: "Rush: A monkey on the underground
in this image taken in Barcelona. The animal, dressed in an suit, dashes from a train clutching
a banana"
(Matt Blake, The Daily Mail, July 2012).

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Pencil Vs Camera - 25 by BenHeine Pencil Vs Camera - 47 by BenHeine Pencil Vs Camera - 28 by BenHeine
Image size
900x642px 622.05 KB
© 2012 - 2024 BenHeine
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RobbieMelrose's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Sorry, haven't been able to write this critique because it's been several weeks since my last critique on your artwork.
Now let's get down to business.

Vision: The subway provides a very good place for for taking pictures. The drawing of a monkey fits very well with the picture. Looks more like action to me. This picture is way beyond imagination, but it makes more sense.
Originality and Technique: You have a very great way of taking fantasy shots. This, by the way, is much experimental.
Impact: I am still very impressed about this picture. Still minimalism, and just fantastic.

Well done.

Rick Robin P. Cagnaan