BenHeine on DeviantArt

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November 12, 2011
Pencil Vs Camera -57 by `BenHeine "His artwork is absolutely superb and not only shows viewers an amazing story, but one of superb perfection in his technique. His skill in creating these amazing pieces is one that I look up to as a student, photographer and artist. His series, Pencil Vs Camera, takes two amazing forms of art and puts them together to tell an extraordinary story."
Featured by WDWParksGal
Suggested by TimberClipse
BenHeine's avatar

Pencil Vs Camera - 57

405.8K Views1 Collected Privately

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NEW: I'm now making music, please JOIN ME ON SOUNDCLOUD!

Sometimes, you find the key to your problems in the dark moment.
There is always a magic door and a key near you. The light and the
solution aren't far. Sad events can be a source of enrichment too.
The bird I drew isn't an eagle or a parrot, it's a crow. (If you wish,
you can also view a detail and the work in progress here...)

Prints/posters of this artwork now available!

Also purchase a bigger jpg version to have it as a wallpaper!

Model: :iconcarolinemadison:

View the the full Pencil Vs Camera album

You can find several interviews about the Pencil Vs Camera
series and about my other concepts as well at this link.

The above picture is dedicated to Caroline, the model.

For more information about my projects:

Random features:

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Pencil Vs Camera - 7 by BenHeine Pencil Vs Camera - 30 by BenHeine
Image size
780x558px 501.46 KB
Shutter Speed
1/60 second
Focal Length
60 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Oct 20, 2011, 4:26:50 PM
Sensor Size
© 2011 - 2024 BenHeine
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slynnanastasia's avatar

This is super unique..wicked cool!