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BenHeine's avatar

Brussels by Night



A picture I took in Brussels (Belgium), a few days ago. It is
a long exposure shot and I've repainted some parts of it...

The cars were really close to me and going fast! Lots of fun!
If you wish, you can see some random details HERE.

For more information about my works:

Some other long exposure shots:

Fira By Night by BenHeine Different by BenHeine Disorder by BenHeine

Some other photos from Brussels:

That teddy is in Real Trouble by BenHeine Foggy Day in Brussels by BenHeine Palace of Justice, Brussels by BenHeine

Image size
900x829px 783.57 KB
© 2011 - 2024 BenHeine
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Gunther12's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

Im almost... confused by this. There is a lot going on here. the colored light streams are visually very strong. The ground is perfectly exposed and very contrasty which i love. The blue tall building is well exposed and in focus. The color gradient is nice, as well as the gold rim. The tower on the left is very intriguing... Also the gold glow of the city. I do not envy the amount of time this probably took in trial and error as well as Photoshop time. The stars are almost a tad to much. Im a big fan of to much though, which is why i love this piece!

The only problems i can spot right now are here;
The blue neon sign on the right-mid is distracting but almost needed as it is a dead space.
The gold globe lights going going partially up the gradient building are distracting as well.
Its to bad some people had to have some lights on in the building, but you cant change that can you!!!

Overall: Very well done. Nearly flawless. I would buy a 10'X10' and display it everywhere.