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bendzz's avatar

Sixty THOUSAND Account Views



Combined with picture views and "IT'S OVER 320 THOUSAND!". As such I decided the sixth month anniversary of my first post would be a good time to color my most popular picture; it's not really my favorite, but what the hell.… 's the original, I changed the text and left out a frame by accident but I think it turned out nicely. There's some stuff I'm not sure about so if you have some simple-to-change ideas (different text, different colors) I can probably do it.

Afterthought: Hey there's no nudity! Finally something for the kiddies.

EDIT: Curious. Why do you guys like this picture so much?

EDIT #2: Hooly crap, pretty awesome follow up to this!…

EDIT #3: Sept 2014, this has 1700 favorites, but my newer pieces are around 200. Dafuq! I'm so confused.
Image size
1700x5244px 3.32 MB
© 2009 - 2024 bendzz
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jonking1's avatar

This is why only a Wizard should date a Witch.