BendustKas on DeviantArt

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BendustKas's avatar

PA || that one song about dueling fish



:iconprimeval-age:, fates

babies go
inspired by jaw sparring seen in seals / sea lions!

Import: 3364: Triumph

Quest Name: Aging [Stronger Than You]

When the pod was away hunting or scouting for richer seas, the younger pups were left behind to their own devices. They made up their own games to occupy themselves, passing bits of seagrass and kelp between one another and chasing small shoals of fish and hiding amongst beds of kelp. One of the best ways to pass the time, though, was sparring. Triumph loved chasing around his playmates and swimming off in return, only to turn and "fight" when someone caught up with him. Nipping, thrashing, ramming one another with their heads and flippers. There was always a watchful eye, lurking in the depths to make sure that these play-fights never got too rough...

Eliza 4826 || AberrantKapro
Dovah 2277 || @/PrimevalAge

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500x700px 252.6 KB
© 2024 BendustKas
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Blacksa1t's avatar

the strongest AAAAAA

this is so pretty, you always make aquatic scenes to beautiful