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  • Sep 12
  • United States
  • Deviant for 12 years
  • She / Her
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:iconsexyamericaplz:Your eyes staring into my eyes,
:iconyayitalyplz:Who am I but a guy with two eyes on the prize?
:iconsexyitaly3plz:And the prize in my eyes is ten times
:iconenglandomgplz:The surprise in your eyes as I kiss you goodnight
:iconjapansmileplz:Your smile is the fire that rocks my soul
:iconprussiawestplz:Gonna remember it until I grow old
:iconvital-regions:'Cause life is too short, we gotta do things right,
:iconravechinaplz:So, baby, let's just party tonight
:iconitalyraveplz:Baby, let's just party tonight
:iconprussiabushplz:We've come out on top, we're in front of the line
:iconprussiaw00tplz:We're here to rock out and have a good time
:iconchibitaliaplz:'Cause the past is the past and the future is bright
:iconjapanraveplz:So, baby, let's just party tonight
:iconbelraveplz:Baby, let's just party tonight
:iconbelarusrapetimeplz: I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door
:iconamericahardpowerplz: Your body's cold, but girl, we're getting so warm
:iconfrancerapefaceplz: And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside
:iconromanofailplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitabroshumpplz: (Let me go now)
:iconlukasiewiczplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconholyromeexcitedplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconukdanceplz: Now if she does it like this
:icongermanydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconfrancesmackplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconrussiaturbopokeplz: Will you touch her right back?
:iconrussiarasputinplz: Now if she moves like this
:icondanceicelandplz: Will you move like that?
:iconrainbowitalyplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconwthenglandplz: Your lips tremble, but your eyes are in a straight stare
:icongerita4plz: We're on the bed, but your clothes are laying right there
:iconceilingrussiaplz: And I was thinking of places I could hide
:iconfallingukraineplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitalyhugsjapanplz: (Let me go now)
:iconchinanoplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconfrancemuahplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconenglandgetdownplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconamericagetdownplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconswitzerlandsplitplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconaustriasplitplz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancerussiaplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconjapanpastaplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowludwigplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconamericapopipoplz: I saw you dancing
:iconshakefishseyplz: And I couldn't get you off my mind
:iconitalywtfplz: I could tell, you could tell, that I was taking my time!
:iconiggybrowsplz: I was thinking of ways to get you to stay for the night
:iconukraineboobiesplz: Your body's shaking!
:iconohpervyfeliplz: Turn me on, so I can turn off the lights!
:icongilmoemoekyunplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconenglandsexydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconaiyaharuplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconfrancestick2plz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancingswedenplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconamericahappyspazzplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowkikuplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
Shake It by Metro Station
Hi there, how you doin', that's good. I'm just gonna comment and run because