I'm Mexican
Age: 31
Im Graphic Designer and Nail Artist~
I love JRock, Kpop, Dramas, Anime and make a lot of resources <3
I'm not here always but I try to come to leave resources eventualy~
I accept orders only if you are willing to wait a bit for them~
You can use my resources as you like, just give credits and/or add to favorites ~
If you leave a thank you comment I will love you forever
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can you make japan pngs please??
Thank you so much!
hi! thanks for the splendid materials, can i use it for commercial use? ty!
Thank you so much for providing a lot of elements! Those truly help me in making designs!
Hi, I used your stock here:
Thank you<3
Wcb please
Hi, how do I get your Carnival kit, looks fun