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Daily Deviation

December 15, 2008
The various fonts used in and the treatment given to Prestige Typography - 1 by ~bella-elizabetta makes it a rich and visually pleasing piece.
Featured by arhcamt
bella-elizabetta's avatar

Prestige Typography - 1



Never done anything like this before, so I just put it in the only typography section I could understand. =P

This is the first part of a three-part typography project I'm doing on the beginning monologue from the movie The Prestige. Monologue © Newmarket Productions, etc. etc.

Part 2
Part 3

All fonts found on dafont, if you want the name of a specific one, let me know.

Paper stock 1 from ~darkrose42-stock
Paper stock 2 from ~akinna-stock

Thank you to whoever I used stock from. =)

WOW, a DD?! Thanks everyone who's commented and fav'd this piece and the other two in the series, I'm working on replying to all of you but it might be a few days before I find the time. Thank you again!!
Image size
1800x2550px 5.45 MB
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managingdiversity's avatar
Honestly, I cannot manage to work like yours..You work is really impressive.Great work bella-elizabetta