The God of the New Worldbehindinfinity on DeviantArt

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behindinfinity's avatar

The God of the New World



"And I... will be the God of the new world!"

Death Note cosplay photoshoot series starts now!

This is me as Light Yagami. Also known as Kira, self-proclaimed God of the new world. :fuzzydemon: This is not a photomanipulation, by the way. The background and the wings are real.

A Tuxedo Team Production
Light :skullbones: Misa :skullbones: L :skullbones: photographer :skullbones: mascot

Be sure to check the galleries of ~merkymerx and *snowpeachdrop - they'll be submitting photos, too.

Death Note & all related characters © 大場つぐみ (Ōba Tsugumi)
Image size
750x600px 252.89 KB
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PNCart9000's avatar
I've got you in my sights...