KH2: Whatever Lies Beyond This Morningbehindinfinity on DeviantArt

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KH2: Whatever Lies Beyond This Morning


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I hear Simple and Clean playing in my head when I look at the photos from our KH2 shoot in California! It was a beautiful day, and I was in great company! I was in the area because I was the cosplay guest of honor for Pacific Media Expo (which was a fantastic experience!) and after my con activities for that day, my friends set out to go on a beach adventure for a shoot!

Here's a photo showing my Sora cosplay, specifically the shoes, Kingdom Key, and overall proportions of the parts in relation to each other. My friends and I still plan to make some adjustments in the future, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out! Sora has pretty cartoony proportions with some parts being oversized, but I didn't want to overdo it. I mean sure, I could put together a gigantic wig to try to match his head size but then my face would look too small for it. And if I went for shoes that were far too big, my hands would look very small in comparison since I can't hide the real size too much as Sora wears cutoff gloves. Luckily, in the middle of me working on Sora they announced Kingdom Hearts 3, which had a more realistic look. I got a better sense of how to balance attempting the KH aesthetic while still looking reasonably human, hahah! :lol:

Sun More of my Kingdom Hearts cosplay:
Kingdom Hearts 2: Destiny Islands by behindinfinity Kingdom Hearts 2: Sora by behindinfinity Sora and Kairi: One Sky, One Destiny by behindinfinity Sora and Kairi: You're Home by behindinfinity

【 Kingdom Hearts 2 】 
:iconbehindinfinity: Jin (me) as Sora
:camera: photography by Julia Wawawa

:bulletwhite: Sora armor, shoes, Kingdom Key crafted by Make It Happen and me
:bulletwhite: Sora clothes given as a gift by Cosplay sky, modified by me
:bulletwhite: Sora wig sewn together and styled by me

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Image size
1200x800px 597.08 KB
Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Shutter Speed
1/250 second
Focal Length
28 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Sep 7, 2015, 9:05:21 AM
Sensor Size
© 2015 - 2025 behindinfinity
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