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Ceefax 2012 revamp (mock) - new headers



Continuing on from my previous submissions, I've practiced on the lettering and put together six news headers. "Sci-Tech" refers to the Science & Technology news found specifically on P154 on Ceefax (and subsequently Red Button), a page that came to be a regular visit for me over the years. Politics, World & Home were three of the most commonly used & relevant headers on the standard news pages.

For the "North East & Cumbria" regional header I had to narrow it down as much as I could, while still keeping it ledgible and at least fundamentally similar to the same style of lettering. Finally, a generic "News" header, for miscellany. There were others in use, but these were among the most common (excepting the regional heading, obviously, which can vary according to locale).

Made in Cebratext.

BBC logo, Ceefax & words copyright BBC.
Image size
656x375px 5.73 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Beeth
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