Tailer 2019beckzera on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/beckzera/art/Tailer-2019-861593355beckzera

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Tailer 2019



It's been eight years since I published something here on my DeviantArt account. So I decided to try again and post some new stuff to see what happens.

Tailer is a webcomic that I've created in 2004 and started to publish online independently in 2006.

I gave up producing Tailer in 2011... well, I gave up creating comics at this time. Those were dark times for me.

In 2015 I'd tried to restart creating comics making a Graphic Novel version of Tailer, but again I was trapped in a wave of bad luck and a new era of dark times...

Finally, in 2017 I was back! Working on a big project, called Magnos, that I got to do a pilot chapter, but that yet never see the light of day.

In 2018/2019 I got to do a lot of short story comics and published them on Instagram. After republishing the old Tailer chapters, people asked me to go back to create new chapters for this series.

So I tried, in 2019, and realized that it was a lot of fun creating chapters for Tailer. So today I keep doing that when I have time.

This illustration was created as a cover for the "returning" chapter of Tailer in 2019.
Image size
1815x1584px 2.78 MB
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