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The Cutie Pox (Alt Storyline)



:iconapplebloomplz: Gee ah miss being able ta shapeshift
:icontwilightsparkleplz: What's the point? You shapeshifted into Spike and nagged me into buying apples for 4 hours straight before I gave you some bubble-wrap.
:iconapplebloomplz: You were at least convanced I was the real Spike, weren't ya?
:icontwilightsparkleplz: No, not really. Especially not while the real Spike was in the room.
:iconapplebloomplz: Oh yeah...
:iconmlpspikeplz: If it makes you feel any better I thought I was Applebloom for a few seconds.

Throne room background originally by theirishbronyx
Princess Celestia's vector by ocarina0ftimelord
Twilight's vector originally by kittyhawk-contrail
I claim ownership of all other assets.
Image size
1280x5600px 2.87 MB
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