"Are there really angels? Or are they just in our mind?"Three days and three nights I wished for this picture, and now it's here. There are many girls on this planet, and a lot of them are real angels, but there are only a few who are able to perform the light and the dark side. I look at you, and you do me. You make me forget the day I was born, and I think this is what real angels do: They make you surrender, and beyond knowledge and belief they show you a new and much brighter world, a world so bright that it nearly hurts in the eye and sometimes appears as this kind of darkness that scares you to death. But death is just a way to say goodbye to your former self, and behind this iron door I unfold my wings to rise up with you to this place called paradise. I wonder that rising feels like falling, and then with a look in your eyes I realize that it's forever the same.
Writing is strange. Writing's all about words, just this: Letters and words. But behind and in between these words something magical happens, 'cause words are always born in dreams, created to catch images and to capture vibes, and vibes are what we're made of. This is eternal.
In hell I found there was a way
To eat the flesh eternally
Of virgins with a smile so bright
The sun's ashamed on her high ride
When darkness falls this feeling grows
A mighty heart's always in love
So take away this heart of mine
That in the end the dark will shine.I am a star falling right from the sky, shining bright in the night
I am a wave, I am the sun
I am the storm pushing right through the tops of the trees, shaking their leaves 'till they fall to the ground, never be found where they lie, rest and die
I am the sea, I am the shark hunting so fast, hungry for hearts that should bleed just for me
I am insecure, a liar, a fool
I am beautiful
full of dreams
I am the blood in my veins, I am
made of belief, I am
one of God's mighty thieves
Reach me, don't touch me
Reach me, don't touch me
I am U
I think a community always reflects society, and when society is going down, an art community like
deviantART experiences the same. Today I feel that
dA is often superficial with a lot of lazy "artists" who aren't really interested in art. Most of them are interested in making the front page, being popular at any cost, and if you comment on their art, you rarely get an answer or any kind of deeper feedback.
So I won't waste my time with comments on the art of narcissistic "artists" anymore, and from now on I'm searching for the few, the rare gems of people with a vision.
Beau Cyphre
Cited words by Prince from his tune
New Power Generation (Funky Weapon Remix)Thanks 2 Prince & the Wild Ones 4 pushing my limits!
"I'd like it to be a place where people really appreciate what they see. By entering a gallery they should feel like visiting a real one, thinking of the opportunity and the chance to speak directly to the artist. Doing so there could be a totally new approach for giving feedback."
Current Residence: Oz
Favourite genre of music: There's no genre I prefer. There are many genres I dance, write and make love to.
Favourite photographer: Corazon777, angelreich, armene
Favourite style of art: I love nearly all kinds of style and art.
Operating System: Mac OS 10.6.8
MP3 player of choice: iPod touch 64 GB
Favourite cartoon character: Spider-Man
Personal Quote: Be it! Taking a risk is always an adventure.