Before his death, an aging Olgfolk, a follower of the Great Beast Jurgen the Thundercaller, told the Stormcrow, Hod, to seek out one who would need his guidance. And so the dark-feathered one did, spreading wide his black wings and taking to the snowy skies in search of one who would use his aid. But the hardy Olgfolk did not call for his advice, and the nearby Borskall of Steinarr needed naught but their own hearts for guidance; even lone travelers and hunters fended finely for themselves. Then Hod came upon the ruins of Fredelig, high in the mountains. With no life to be found within its ashes, perhaps a survivor could be glimpsed amongst the great pines below.Dark pinions wide, bright eyes sharp, Hod soared over the pines till his gaze caught a sorry sight; that of a lone Borskall, off by herself in the forest, riddled with scars of both body and mind. Intrigued, the bird swept low, and perched himself onto a stout snowy branch, and there, in this great tree a ways before the giant,
I just don't enjoy this site anymore, so I think it's time to move on. I've been around since 2008, but my interest had dwindled in 2018 (where I did take a break) and the rather aptly named Eclipse update effectively eclipsed the rest of my motivation to come on here. That said, I will keep my account here active for people to come up and laugh at my cringy old stuff.
As for where to find me, Instagram is generally where I'm at. Other than that, I can also be found on Toho Kingdom (usually in the RPG section).
Edit: Also made a Tumblr.