Neji anbuBea-Gonzalez on DeviantArt

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Neji anbu



EDIT I have been so many time thinking about recolouring some parts of this Illust. Finally I have retouched all the skin tones and shadows , and some others shadows from the outfit. ^^ enjoy! Neji anbu is so cool! *3*

The first draw I paint after my holidays and the first draw I paint with my new photoshop CS2 (....) ... I have some draws to paint ( my holidays had been so boring ; beach, mountain- beach ¬¬U)


NEJIIIII!!!!! I'm really makin' the new biggest neji's fan X_D

hyuga neji (c) masashi kishimoto
art (c) me-ow!!! ( =^w^= )

you can fin sasuke anbu in the same style here [link]

I dedicated this draw to :iconinthearmsofundertow:, becouse she makes an amazing fanfics!!! than k you so much magda-sama!!! :*****, and to:iconnayaramalfoy:, becouse you deserve it !!!( y porque tu lo vales, como loreal XDDD) :******
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554x800px 175.29 KB
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