Hawkeye and Mockingbird ColorBDStevens on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bdstevens/art/Hawkeye-and-Mockingbird-Color-206294196BDStevens

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BDStevens's avatar

Hawkeye and Mockingbird Color



So I've got this thing that I do, I've done it twice now, so I'd guess you'd call it a thing. When I find a piece that I really want to ink and someone lays some awesome inks down first, I color the thing up instead. In this case, :iconinkermark: was the speedy bastard that got to :iconwrathofkhan:'s pencils on this awesome old school Avengers piece.

Pencils: :iconwrathofkhan:

Inks: :iconinkermark:

Colors: me!

The two other stages. If you like this, give them some love.
Image size
1200x1797px 1.61 MB
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Alex130198Ferrana's avatar

They was a nice couple.