AREA 52bdk14 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

March 6, 2007
AREA 52 by ~bdk14 "His strong use of a normal environment with unusual abstract is brilliant. The modelling and textures are all top notch. You don't come across many that are this well done!"
Featured by zilla774
Suggested by mrfaemir
bdk14's avatar




in order too supply mankind of energy, people started exploring the most powerfull, but yet unstablest form of energy productions.
its called the Fusion Method, the opposite of atomic fission, which makes it 14 times as powerfull.

if the energy supply system fails, a thermo-nuclear implosion will succeed, the fusion plant is located deep into the earth's surface too minimize the effect of such a disaster, but still can't prevent it.,
lets have faith and prey it won't happen..

c4d ftw
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1280x900px 702.03 KB
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lilravo13's avatar
is this real....