Celebrating Deviousness - November 2021 by team, journal
Celebrating Deviousness - November 2021
In Recognition of Exemplary Membership and an Outstanding Spirit of helpfulness and mentoring within the DeviantArt community
November 2021's Deviousness Award Recipient: @Trippy4U
For over a decade, @Trippy4U has been sharing his unique view of the world through his captivating photos. His ability to capture the essence of people, or freeze a special moment in time, is truly a wonderful gift. @Trippy4U is also one of the kindest souls within our community. Always ready with a helpful tip, a thoughtful comment, or words of encouragement, he embodies the very meaning of being Devious and we are overjoyed to be awarding him with Deviousness for November 2021.
Hello everyone my name is Richard and I’m a New York City based professional photographer currently concentrated mainly in sports photography. I am basically a very shy person at heart even though my 325 thousand DA comments belie that fact. I always find it difficult to toot my own horn. It’s really so much easier to talk
happy Happy Birthday Lukasz aka burningmonk by Batsceba, journal
happy Happy Birthday Lukasz aka burningmonk
@burningmonk www.patreon.com/lkazphoto?ty=h tokyostreet.photo/ www.lkazphoto.com/Articles Gallery Folders W A L L P A P E R S  J A P A N  N O C T R O P O L I S  P A N O R A M I C A  A U S T R A L I A  C H I N A  Altercations  Poetry Poetry  Dormant Creatures We sleep in the sing song
windy window rattle of
Tuesday afternoons,
late for class and life
amid used books scattered
half-read and dogeared,
cold pizza and debt.
        —as the suns sets in Damascus,
some woman bleeds in Persia,
the colossus sinks into the sea,
we write dissertations
on bud brewed chai:
honey sweetened
jasmine spiced