ponysona...maybebatman718 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/batman718/art/ponysona-maybe-258136932batman718

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batman718's avatar




i feel meh about it... i dont know... just not working for me too much.

mlp (c) hasbro and :iconfyre-flye:
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830x650px 86.98 KB
© 2011 - 2025 batman718
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HowlsInTheDistance's avatar
No wonder you didn't answer my question about your shirts... It was already answered here in your scrapbook. Sorry, but I tend not to check the latest deviations folder too often, because I obsessively save every beautiful piece of art I see, and I think my hard drive is overloaded enough as is lol.

Hmm... No idea what you look like, so it's sort of a tough call. Not sure about the cutie mark either... Does the Navy really sum up the entirety of your existence as a person? Maybe some sort of samurai symbol would be more appropriate, like perhaps the kanji character for ki, or a pair of crossed katanas or something. Just my two cents...