
Batcolt Returns

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The alarm for Gothland Second National Bank went off with a deafening wale. However, it was already too late. The ponies who stole from the bank had already been long gone. What they took: Millions. What they left: A single small envelope. Black in color with one green question mark on the front…


High over Gothland the Colt signal shone. Some nights it was as a reminder as Commissioner Fjordon put it, but tonight it was a calling.

"Commissioner," Ever so quiet did he always speak, but his words were never missed and he always showed up when Jim least expected it.  Turning off the signal James Fjordon walked to the Batcolt "I am sure that you already heard. The media jumped all over it before we had a chance to respond. The things that ERR and PNN are saying right now has the public in an uproar over the robbery."

"You are right. I was at the crime scene. They left the bits that were marked. No pony is that good." Batcolt remained in the shadows. It always made Jim feel uncomfortable, but he learned to accept it. He took out an envelope and passed it off. "This was left behind as well. One of the responding officers found it."

"What is with the question mark?" Batcolt asked. The commissioner didn't answer he dealt with the crimes he only knew he could handle. This was too theatrical by any means. Since the Batcolt showed up he knew anypony that was deranged enough to take him on would have to embraces some theatrics themselves.

Using his hooves he slowly opened the envelope trying to be cautious of any possible explosives. All that was inside was a post card with typed letters.

What kind of machine has ears?

"That makes no sense."

"I know, Commissioner, I know. I am going to take this to have it analyzed. I will let you know what to expect from this,"

"Ok, but don't forget –, "he was already gone. Why, he thought, why do I keep talking when he obviously says something that sounds like he is done with conversation?


Back at the cave the computer worked almost as hard as it ever did. Alfred came and went. Pleaded with Bruce to rest and let the answer come to him. Time was not an issue. "That's the thing, Alfred, because we don't know the meaning of this it does make time an issue."

"I know the passion that is behind this and I know that you feel you must solve this riddle, Master Mayne, but it is not the Batcolt that needs to get rest before the opening of the new Thomas Mayne train station in the Narrows. You have to greet all the engineers too,"

"Wait, what was that?"

"Tomorrow is a big day for you and the city," Bruce galloped quickly to the riddle and read it again as if he wasn't sure he read it right the first time. His hooves trembled with excitement and fear. "What kind of machine has ears?" He played with the words in his mouth for a minute. "A train,"

"Beg your pardon, Master Bruce?"

"It's a train. A train has engineers. That is the ears that machine have." He grabbed the red phone and it dialed out straight to Fjordon.

After explaining the situation Bruce could hear the concern in Fjordon's voice "The mayor will be there along with other dignitaries. I will have more men guarding the area and sweep it multiple times. Thank you, Batcolt," Bruce hung the phone up and started to get ready for tomorrow. "I am going to need to wear something that I can be ready in, Alfred, also keep the light armor in the car just in case."

"Certainly, Master Bruce."


The day was beautiful. It was a rare sight that the Pegasus Weather Corp of Gothland cleared the skies, but with a healthy donation by Mayne Industries anything seemed possible.

"Fillies and Gentlecolts, thank you all for coming down here to the opening of the Thomas Mayne Train Station!" Bruce felt the mayor was over doing it, but it was almost election year so let him have his fun.

"As you all know --," the sound went dead over the speakers and after a few words he realized it. A few ponies started to whisper among themselves about the problem, but a new voice came over the speakers "Greetings everypony! So far it seems that everything is going according to my brilliant plan!" Bruce started to walk forward looking around the area. He just looked like a normal confused citizen, but he searched in hopes to see the pony responsible. "Yes, you are all wondering in your feeble little minds 'who is this pony'? I will tell you all since your intellect would be too miniscule to decipher who I am! I am the Briddler!"

"I left a simple little riddle that the Batcolt would know something would happen here today. Is he among you? Hmm? Will the Batcolt step forth and show his true identity? No? That is fine. I already surmised that he wouldn't. This is but a prelude to what is to come to the citizens of Gothland! Since I know that the Caped Crusader is listening in I will give him fair chances to unravel the conundrum that I will set forth! If he proves worthy I can ensure that Gothland will be unharmed."

Bruce, not wanting to be obvious, tapped a hoof on his side activating tracing program from the caves at the colt computer. Within seconds Briddler started laughing "Not so fast my sleuthing friend! Your inferior little think box is nowhere near as a powerful mind that mine is! Do you think I didn't deduce that you might try to trace where this signal is coming from?" The laugh of a sinister pony echoed the area. "Well… Riddle me this: How do you divide seventeen apples among sixteen people?" He laughed again. Bruce gritted his teeth as there was nothing he was able to do and the Briddler knew it.

"I guess the game…. Is a hoof!" the laughter continued until the signal fizzed and cut out.


He was right. The Batcoltputer couldn't trace the signal. It mirrored out into too many locations and with an entire herd it would take days. The first signal traced back to all the elementary schools. The second mirror went to three cemeteries and the EverFree Forest.  Some were too promising. Others were too asinine.

He looked back to the recording. He analyzed it so many times he thought that the computer was going to hit him. It was just voice. Plus the ambient noise coming from the crowd was no help. "This Briddler is a smart one, Alfred," he didn't hear Alfred enter the cave, but he knew he was there. "He was able to mirror his signal so many times that I can't trace it back to him. He is going to force me to play into his game."

"Then play, Master Bruce. They don't call you the greatest detective for nothing."
Bruce smiled at that as he stared at the screen looking at the words of the riddle as if it would change into the answer. "Now eat your apple pie and ice cream before one gets cold and the other melts."

"Wait. Wait. Computer what is the recipe for apple pie," The computer beeped in response and a second later it informed him of the answer to his question "Seven tart apples are required to make apple pie."

"Damn," of course it wouldn't be that simple, he said and thought. He ate his ice cream and pie. He didn't taste it only because his mind was filled with the words to that riddle. It would be easier to post someone at each apple factory for security, but that would be too easy. "Think, Bruce. It has to do with apples, but I can't go to every pony's farm and ask to make sure they are ok and their apples are fine. 16 apple farms is cutting it too close to narrow down to as well. Or should I be looking into apple families?"

In a flash the papers, dishes and other desk related items flew off the console "Why am I over thinking this?! If I keep going on like this my mind will be as good as mush!"

"Mush…Mush… Computer list factories for apples sauce!"

"Currently there is only one factory in the city for apple sauce. The Axis Apple Co.," As the words finished from the computer Alfred as already prepping the Batcoltmobile. "Get a hold of the commissioner let him know to send squad cars there, now!" The vehicle was gone before the canopy closed.


"Sir, I informed the commissioner of the situation," Batcolt was already on the roof tops hearing the transmission from Alfred in his cowl "He should be arriving in a few hours with back up."

"Good work, Alfred," he said getting to an opening "I will let you know if I need anything else." The transmission broke. Inside the factory it was quiet. That worried him. The machines continued working, but there was no security or maintenance crew.

He took his time opening the window from the roof that led in. Quietly letting each hoof touch the catwalk he made it in without a sound.

After making his way to the center catwalk there was no sign of anything. No personnel, no hazards, no riddles and no Briddler.

With a loud clunk noise the lights flooded the room. "Impressive! You seem to be able to handle as much as a filly in grade school can! However, did you really think that it would be this easy? That you could just gallop into this building and capture the greatest mind ever?" He laughed. Batcolt was getting sick of that laugh.

He activated the tracker again and the Briddler knew that he did. "You continue with those frivolous acts of tracing this transmission. Ha! Try something else Batcolt! You are a thousand years too early to try to take me down that way! Now! Riddle me this: What is a letter that is never in the alphabet?"

The Briddler laughed again "This time Batcolt! Somepony can get hurt! Clock is ticking! Hope you can complete this enigma!" The transmission cut out.


"Master Bruce, maybe you should take a break."

"How can I when that mad pony is out there? Before I had to assume that there was a life on the line and now we know for a fact there is. Both traces are inconclusive and the computer can't figure out what the riddle means."

He paced back and forth so much that one would think there was a small circle forming where he was trotting.

Suddenly it hit him.

"Get the police to the post office!" He was already leaving when Alfred made the call.


It was quiet at the post office. Just like the applesauce plant.

No sign of anypony.

"Help!" hanging from a rope from the ceiling was a gray pony with a blonde mane.

"Hang on!" Getting a colterang from his belt he threw it with expertise. She fell screaming and was caught. "Are you ok? Your eyes! You might have a concussion! Just stay awake!"

"My eyes what about them?! What is wrong with them did they run away again?!" The pony didn't seem to show signs of a concussion. He untied her wings and looked her over again "Ma'am are you naturally cross eyed?"

"What are you three saying you silly fillies? Oh want a muffin?"

"No… just get out of here fast," she saluted and galloped away.

"No! You are cheating! You have to be! There is no way that you could have solved that last riddle! No bother! Riddle me this you simpleton! What have the following in common - hemming, basting, pearling, and tagging?" Batcolt hit the tracer again. "Again with the failed attempts?! You foal you will never learn!!"

The transmission cut out and Batcolt made his way back to his cave.


"I was blind this whole time. The second time I tried to trace him I didn't think to combine it with the first time, but as he made his transmission the last time I realized that among the mirrors if I put three on top of the others." As he spoke he matched up the maps of Gothland with all the mirrored lines intertwining the city.

One solid green line forming the shape of a question mark engulfed the map.

He took hold of the red phone and called Fjordon. "Jim, send a small heard of colts to the address I am sending you. There you will find Hoity Toity. I will also have a gift for you at another address."

Before the commissioner had a chance to respond the phone was hung up.


"Gothland PD!" The door to the work shop was kicked in and Hoity Toity was pinned down by machine. It was an odd contraption that had a pair of scissors attached to it and was trying to cut up a creation that was to be ready for the gala later that month. That to him would be the next greatest affair in all of Equestria.

"NO! You are not the bat!"The machine blared out at them! Through the speakers of the machine the crashing of class and crunching of a hoof to a face was heard. "How!? This isn't possible! You couldn't have solved that!"

"Jim. I have him. Come to the address that is sent via the secured link."


"I am the greatest mind! There is no way!! He cheated! He had to!!!" He screamed when the police threw him into the back of the wagon. He caught a glimpse of the Batcolt in the shadow.

"How did you do it? You didn't answer it! You can't! You don't know how! Ha! You may have put me away, but this just proves that you aren't as smart as The Briddler!!! I won! World's greatest detective my flank!"

"Again Batcolt," he was cut off by a hoof wave "You never should finish that sentence with me, Jim. He is going to probably need some surveillance when he gets to his cell though."

"Oh yea? Why is… you left didn't you?" Sure enough… The Batcolt was gone into the night.


Meanwhile in Akhalam Asylum…

"I am the Briddler! Greatest mind that ever lived! That ever--," he noticed a small note that with a bat shape on it. In that note it had two printed items on it.

The answer is: Needlework.

Riddle me this: When is a jet stream like a daffodil?

The smile that Briddler had on his face soon faded and turned into a scream that could have shaken the entire Akhalam Island.
batcolt returns!
here is the exciting new chapter in the series!

my little pony (c) Hasbro and :iconfyre-flye:

batman and characters (c) dc and created by bob kane

thanks to all who helped out with this!
© 2011 - 2025 batman718
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HowlsInTheDistance's avatar
Derpy cameo FTW! You should mention that her wings were tied up or something though, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense that Batcolt had to catch her.

Also, I don't quite understand what was happening with that scissor machine, or Batcolt's riddle at the end... Apart from that though, this was pretty cool.

And I think you forgot to type Hasbro after the (c) in the description.

Oh, and presumably, Alfred's full name is Alfred Ponyworth?