After a few successful private commissions, I’m finally accepting them publicly. Yay!
- Only 2 slots available
- Prices *start* at $70 (1 character, no background), but keep an eye on discounts (see below)!
- Advanced payment (PayPal only)
- YES: Debooting/Unmasking/Pinup
- NO: Nudity, gore, kids (more noes could come up)
- Random policies: I don’t accept all commissions but it’s not you, it’s me 😊
Check my gallery and if your commission is *very* different from what I usually draw, I *might* not accept it.
Also: I offer discounts!
GOTHAM UNMASKED: if your commish includes one or more Gotham Girl, you get an increasing discount for each character. If unmasking is involved, the discount doubles!
PLEASE THE BATMAD: if your commish includes one or more char who’s already on my gallery, you get an increasing discount for each character. If debooting is involved, the discount doubles!
SUPPORTER IS KING: Regular commenters (here and on Twitter) and Ko-Fi supporters get an additional