Greetings, friends.
My many titles so far include, but are not limited to:
The Great Raider of Freddie Mercury's Wardrobe, Consulting Plot-Hole Fixer and Continuity Explainer, Daily Nope Provider, Tom Baker Hair Impersonator, YouTube Fairy, Champion of the Aragorn Charge, Master of Soundtracks and High Priest of Murray Gold (Our Lord and Saviour, Bringer of Awesome and Protector of the Realm).
But you can call me BasiliskRules.
Ask me anything!
Keep to make amazing cosplays ;)
Aww, thanks! <3
You are so weclome ^_^
Thank you for the llama ^_^
Thank *you* for the watch and all the faves!
You are so welcome =)
Thank you so very much for the ! Hope you have a wonderful day! ^_^