Roseclaw's armor 01Baron-Engel on DeviantArt

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Roseclaw's armor 01



Another bit of concept design for :iconchakat-goldfur: commission. One of the characters of the bridge is a griffin named Roseclaw. This is an idea I have for her armor since it is somewhat similar to Long Path's armor.

Commission: MLP Magetek Armor Designs 01 by Baron-Engel

    Note the sketch of her firing the carbine is just me brainstorming. I am uncertain exactly what kind of weapons the griffins are using, but I thought the idea of a mana powered energy carbine was amusing. Plus it let me get some study in on the belly armor.

I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon Patreon Icon 
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1500x1169px 144.56 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Baron-Engel
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Vasillium's avatar
DreamWorks was should make a film "How to train a gryphon", - it was be make an enormous success, than those strange story, where dragon don't look like dragon!